Ocean Governance in Archipelagic Regions International Conference
Maritime Spatial Planning & MarSP Stakeholder Workshop
Opening session. Introduction to the programme on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)
Main room
Filipe Porteiro, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs (Portugal)
MSP fundamentals: worldwide status, trends and best practices
Main room
Ivana Lukic, s.Pro - sustainable projects GmbH/ European MSP Platform (Germany)
MSP from theory to practice: current priorities and challenges, lessons learned and future steps
Main room
David Johnson, Seascape Consultants (UK)
Maria Adelaide Ferreira, MARE-FCUL (Portugal)
Integrated coastal management and ecosystem-based approach in practice: MSP and Marine Protected Areas (MPA) links
Main room
Will McClintock, Marine Science Institute, UCSB (USA)
Discussion session
Main room
Chair: Helena Calado, University of the Azores (Portugal)
Coffee break
State of play of the MSP process of the Azores
Main room
Gilberto Carreira, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs (Portugal)
Strategic environmental assessment of the Situation Plan of the MSP
Main room
Lisa Sousa, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
MarSP Project 3rd Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshop in the MSP Process of the Azores
The workshop will be replicated simultaneously in Faial, São Miguel and Terceira islands
Objectives of the 3rd Stakeholders’ Engagement Workshop in MSP Process of the Azores
Main room
Helena Calado, University of the Azores (Portugal)
Maritime Spatial Planning Working Groups
Parallel sessions on Rooms A, B and C
Open public participation sessions - Portuguese language (no translation available)
Working Group 6. Fisheries, aquaculture, mineral and energy resources
Room A
WG leader: Carlos Pereira da Silva, FCSH-UNL (Portugal)
Chairs: Catarina Frazão Santos, MARE-FCUL (Portugal) and Jorge Gonçalves, CCMAR-University of Algarve (Portugal)
Working Group 7. Environment and conservation, scientific research and technology
Room B
WG leader: Luz Paramio, FRCT (Portugal)
Chairs: Marinez Scherer, Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and Ana Costa, CIBIO-InBIO, University of the Azores (Portugal)
Working Group 8. Tourism, sports and culture, ports, navigation and transports, maritime security and defense
Room C
WG leader: Deborah Estima, FRCT (Portugal)
Chairs: Javier García Sanabria, University of Cadiz (Spain) and Maria Adelaide Ferreira, MARE-FCUL (Portugal)
Dynamic 1. Discussion and validation of the mapping of constraints, restrictions and administrative easements
Rooms A, B and C
Dynamic 2. Discussion and validation of the mapping of the current situation for the uses and activities developed in the maritime space (part I)
Rooms A, B and C
Lunch break
Dynamic 2. Discussion and validation of the mapping of the current situation for the uses and activities developed in the maritime space (part II)
Rooms A, B and C
Dynamic 3. Discussion and validation of the mapping of the potential situation for the uses and activities developed in the maritime space
Rooms A, B and C
Coffee break
Sharing results between workshops in Faial, São Miguel and Terceira islands
Rooms A, B and C
Dynamic 4. Discussion of good practices and measures to ensure the compatibility of uses in the maritime space
Rooms A, B and C
Workshop closing session
Rooms A, B and C